Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Reflection #7

I think that a major reason that there is hate in the world is because many cultures are very prejudice against other cultures. I think that they are prejudice for two reasons: 1) I think that they are scared that the other race will take over, so they feel threatened by them. For example, I think that it is possible that in the 1950's and 1960's one of the preseason that African American people were discriminate against was because white people felt threatened that African American people were going to take over and that the white people were not going to be the dominate race. 2) The second reason that people would/will discriminate against other people is that they wouldn't want the other race to and they previous race to blend, and they wouldn't want the races to mix and unite. For example, going back to African American, when the African American people were being bussed in from other towns to go to the local high schools, white people didn't like them because they were different and they didn't want, what they were use to/comfortable with, to change.
This relates to why there is hate in the world because at one point in time there was a lot of negative energy flowing between the white people and the black people. These two races are not the only races that experienced this; Jewish people experienced it with the Germans, Mexicans and whites, Native Americans and whites. The good thing is that now MOST of us get along just fine, but the sad thing is that there is still discrimination against these different races still going on today. Hopefully one we can all live in a world with no fighting, no hate, and a place where everybody lives together in harmony.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Family Story

In the year 1939 my moms parents spent their honneymoon in Sun Valley Idaho, they had the best times of their lives. They never forgot the time they spet there. From that day on it was always my grandmother dream to go back to that very special place.

In 1992 my family and i went to Sun Valley Idaho for christmas. My family included my parents, my older brother Kaione 14, and my older sister Kristin 11. We were joined by my moms sister, aunty Cindy, and her two sons, Ryan 16 and Hughbeckley 19, we were also joined my moms parents. At the time that we went I was about 18 months old and could barly walk. My parents took turns taking care of me while everyoner else was out skiing and snowboarding. One day they decided to put me in a day care at the bottom of the mountain, just for a couple of hours while they went on a couple of runs up and down the mountain. They didn't realize that when they droped me off, shortly after a mother drop off her three kids at the same day care and all three of her kids we sick with a fever and cold. My parents were back in about two to three hours when the people that worked their told my mom that they had three sick kids at the same day care and they sent ski patrol to look for the parents of the kids. Unfortuneatly I got sick with the flue the very next daty, a week before christmas.
For the next three days I couldnt sleep, I kept throwing up, and i was so weak i could barley open my eyes. On the fith day i took my second trip to the doctors, and the doctor said, "If he doesnt get better in the next 48 hours, then we are going to half to keep him here at the hospital." That night my parents stayed up with me all night taking turns holding me and feeding me ice cubes and giving me 7-up so that I replenished some of the sugar and water I lost when I was sick. Thank god the next day, (day six), I started getting better. The next day, (day seven), we went back to the doctor and he said that I was finaly getting better but, I was still going to be very tiered and i was going to be very weak and that I needed lots of rest.

When we got back to the lodge from the doctors, everybody was still on the slopes, and I was sitting in the car and was barley moving. My mom got out of our 1990 Voltswagen and came around to get me. She open the door put her purse inside with keys in it, tuned around to put something on the ground, and the door shut close behind her. She turned around and I was locked inside with the keys and her purse. Now remember 14 years ago people didnt really have cells fones, so my mom ran back to the lodge, called AAA for the code to the door so she could get back in. With the code she ran back to the car, where I was sitting their crying, but at the same time so weak and tiered I could barlety sit up, I was now liying down on the seat locked inside the car. The code to the door didnt work so my mom then ran back to the lodge and called my cousin Hughbeckley to come and help her. Just so happend that my sister and hughbeckley were staying in my aunties condon right across the street. They all came over and my mom called 911. When everyone arrived the police officer was tring to open the door, my sister was talking to me to try and keep me calm, my cousin, who is a very big guy, started getting very worried about me and getting very impacient with the police officer. Finaly after about 10 minutes of everybody tryng to open the door, my cousin Hugh, said, "Im going to kick the window in."

The officer looked him and said, "Are you nutz? You cant kick the window in, its not your car."

Standing at 6'6" 240lb All-American volleyball player, my cousin said, "Officer I dont care whos car it is, thats my baby cousin inside, and if you dont open this car im going to stick my size 16 shoe through that window." As he said that me sister grabed the lever and tried the back door just one more time, and POP she got it. She unlocked the door and jumped inside to grab me.

Two days later it was christmas and we all went out to the a five star lodge for a beautiful white christmas. By that time I was feeling much better but still tiered, so my parents rapped me up real tight, to keep me warm, and put me in my stroller. My mom tells me it was one of thhe best christmases she can remember. The entire family was up there having a white christmas togeather. As the night was coming to a close my mom noticed that my brother Kaione and my cousin Ryan were both gone. They started looking everywhere for them, but no one could find them. Everyone was getting worried and that was the last thing that we needed. We all gathered outside, when all of a sudden, they heard something in the distance, it was dark so they couldnt see anything, but they heard something. It wasnt voices, but it was slay bells. As the sound got closer and closer, they noticed that a beautiful horse drawn caredge was pulling up infont of the lodge, and the best part of it was Kaione and Ryan were inside, standing up behind the driver yelling Marry Christmas. They snuck away while everyone was finishing their dinner and hiered a caredge to take the family back to the lodge that we were staying at. Everybody was so surprised that no one could be mad. That night we rode back to the lodge and as a family singing HAWAIIAN christmas carolls.

No one new it but that was my grandmothers last christmas. 35 days later she passed away, 35 days after one of the best experiences of her life she passed away. After she waited 53 years for her dream to finaly come true, and after 53 years of waiting she lived her dream, and it was definetly a dream come true.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Why do we have a blog?

HI my name is kaiwi and i live in Aina Haina. I go to Punahou and i love to play sports. For punahou I play football in the fall, baskeball in the winter, and i throw shot put and discus in the spring, i also play voleyball for outrigger almost year round. I love to go to the beach and hang out with my friends. One thing in my life i cant live without is my music, and my friends. I am always doing somthing, and i am always active. My family and i travle a lot, we usually travel for vocation but 2 or 3 times a year we travel for my sports.

I think it is a good thing that we have our own blogs, because then we can express ourselves in a different sense. We still express ourselves in a serious matter, but in a more fun, this is who i am, type of way. I think that we have a blog because it gives us a chance to share our ideas with one another, and it also gives us a chance to show off our work.
In my opinion it is a good thing that we can share our ideas openly with the rest of the class, school, country, world. I think that it can do more then just show off our work and let us express our ideas, it could help us become better writters, and it could potentialy help us to become more open and more confident with our writting. I also think that because we have our own blogs it gives us the freedom and the power to give our audience a little taste of who we really are.