Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Reflection #7

I think that a major reason that there is hate in the world is because many cultures are very prejudice against other cultures. I think that they are prejudice for two reasons: 1) I think that they are scared that the other race will take over, so they feel threatened by them. For example, I think that it is possible that in the 1950's and 1960's one of the preseason that African American people were discriminate against was because white people felt threatened that African American people were going to take over and that the white people were not going to be the dominate race. 2) The second reason that people would/will discriminate against other people is that they wouldn't want the other race to and they previous race to blend, and they wouldn't want the races to mix and unite. For example, going back to African American, when the African American people were being bussed in from other towns to go to the local high schools, white people didn't like them because they were different and they didn't want, what they were use to/comfortable with, to change.
This relates to why there is hate in the world because at one point in time there was a lot of negative energy flowing between the white people and the black people. These two races are not the only races that experienced this; Jewish people experienced it with the Germans, Mexicans and whites, Native Americans and whites. The good thing is that now MOST of us get along just fine, but the sad thing is that there is still discrimination against these different races still going on today. Hopefully one we can all live in a world with no fighting, no hate, and a place where everybody lives together in harmony.

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