Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Why do we have a blog?

HI my name is kaiwi and i live in Aina Haina. I go to Punahou and i love to play sports. For punahou I play football in the fall, baskeball in the winter, and i throw shot put and discus in the spring, i also play voleyball for outrigger almost year round. I love to go to the beach and hang out with my friends. One thing in my life i cant live without is my music, and my friends. I am always doing somthing, and i am always active. My family and i travle a lot, we usually travel for vocation but 2 or 3 times a year we travel for my sports.

I think it is a good thing that we have our own blogs, because then we can express ourselves in a different sense. We still express ourselves in a serious matter, but in a more fun, this is who i am, type of way. I think that we have a blog because it gives us a chance to share our ideas with one another, and it also gives us a chance to show off our work.
In my opinion it is a good thing that we can share our ideas openly with the rest of the class, school, country, world. I think that it can do more then just show off our work and let us express our ideas, it could help us become better writters, and it could potentialy help us to become more open and more confident with our writting. I also think that because we have our own blogs it gives us the freedom and the power to give our audience a little taste of who we really are.

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