Friday, May 4, 2007

Act 1 - Scene 1

In act one scene one Egeus went to the Duke of Athens in need of help. He needed help with his daughter Hermia. Hermia wants to marry Lysander, but her father Egeus, wants her to marry Demetrius. Both men are very worthy but Hermia and Egeus have two different opinion. After the Duke hears both sides of the story, he takes Egeus, Demetrius and his own wife Hippolita aside so that they can talk it over. Hermia and Lysander are left behind in the courtyard where they come up with a plan to run away and to get married. They tell Helena their plan trusting her that she wouldn't say anything. After Hermia and Lysander leave Helena comes up with a plan to tell Demetrius There plan. The scene ends with Helena figuring out a plan to get them in trouble.

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